Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Quick look on the latest networking craze

Have you heard the latest social networking craze? I remembered many years ago, texting was everybody’s favorite. With just 160 characters you could make somebody’s day worthy to smile. Let’s give credit to mobile phones. That was before. And it cost a little.

Today, if you want to send messages to the world, you can use a variety of sms applications. That includes chikka, yahoo messenger, msn and a lot more. But that sounds little difficult and some of them (but not all) requires small amount of money and knowledge application.

Let’s go for a little simpler. How about an application with 140 characters? By the way, what does 140 characters look like? Well, to give you some idea, this article which you are reading now is exactly 140 characters. Don’t you believe?

That’s the maximum length of a blog on the social networking craze of the moment – Twitter. For the uninitiated, Twitter is a microblog. You post your updates on your life and the world around you and your followers can instantly see what you are up to, what you are thinking, how you are feeling or whatever it is you’ve spent your 140 characters imparting to the world.

The messages or updates – Tweets, as they are known in the Twittersphere – have become the de facto means of communication between groups of Tweeps (people) and the most immediate way to gauge the public mood surrounding events.

Sadly, and somewhat predictably, not many Tweeps are able to condense anything meaningful into their allotted character allowance. So banal are many of the updates on the site that the phrase “twittle-cattle” has been assigned to its members. As defined by New Media Dictionary, twittle-cattle are hordes of people patiently queuing up to moo aimlessly at each other in the latest online social networking craze.

Yet for many, the constantly changing nature of microblogs is a godsend.

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