Sunday, February 15, 2009

Who says Google Adsense doesn't make sense?

If your purpose of blogging is for money, you tend to buy ideas from other bloggers how to realize it. I started blogging less than a year ago with different hosts for the intension of making money out of it. But, somehow, my desire to monetize my blog had never become a reality. Maybe my articles are not worth reading, I thought. Or maybe I forgot to follow the principles of blogging.

One day, an idea flashed into my mind. What if I have to join forums and discussions with other bloggers? Maybe this could help me explained why my blog is not earning. I had Google ads but my account was empty. It seemed that no body is clicking them.

I signed up with blogcatalog and began to participate in discussions with my fellow bloggers. From blogcatalog, I gained ideas and strategies. Though not all ideas from other members were acceptable, at least, they helped me in any manner.

There are different ways to monetize your blog. First, you have to drive traffic into your site. How you will do that? Marketing. Establish friendships from other bloggers. This is called give-and-take relationship – a two-way movement. Both of you will promote each other's blog through exchanging of links. Visit your friends' blog and leave a brief comment. Second, sign up with mybloglog, blogcatalog and linkreferal. They are extremely good in promoting your blog. I had signed up with them and I've been satisfied.

The good news is, my income with Good Adsense abruptly increase. Who can imagine a new and small site with an alexa rank of 21 million plus and with an income of only USD2.44 will reach rank number 14 million plus and earn income of USD134.80 in just three days?

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Anonymous said...

Wow is this for real? I'm also starting out, and I too have gone through the "why-isn't-anyone-coming" phase, I guess my blog is just too young. I've put up just enough ads as to not cover up the content.

But I will apply your suggestion on my blog and see what it does.

Thanks again, and "3 days? For Real?"

Anonymous said...

Wow, incredible. Just three days and you earned that much? It seems that you have found like-minded people on BC, MBL and LR. Cheers!