Wednesday, December 31, 2008


The nature of my work demands more time and focus, as year 2008 is about to exit. Yearly reports are to be prioritized and must be given an on-hand attention.

I’ve been very busy for the past few days, but today, I think I am much busier. I have to cope up with all these year-end problems – from receiving complaints from our tenants to computation of their dues as they are going to say goodbye from our apartments they rented less than a year ago. Their farewell is the result of the most discussed recession not just in Dubai but in other parts of the world as well.

But in spite of this hectic schedule, I have to remind myself to welcome the Year 2009. I am not certain what is in store for me in the New Year, but I am sure that something new will happen. Well, I am really hoping for good fortunes. A new year brings new life, new career, new opportunities, and new challenges. On the contrary, it may also offer things which we less expected. For sure we don’t like bad things dominating us. But as far as we have great faith in Him, everything will turn out better. I believe that by constantly attracting good and positive things into our lives, we could have a happy and wonderful life. This is a proven secret of those successful icons. Hope to have it too.

To everyone, regardless of your religion, kind, industry and location, happy New Year! Happy year of the OX!