Wednesday, February 25, 2009

How to make your day happy

Every person wants to be happy every day. But not everybody can make his day happy.

When I arrived in our office this morning I saw my colleague in a bad mood. He used to be a very happy person. A man who loves to smile and laugh even in your little mistake. But today he is definitely different. In my curiosity I talked to him in a manner that could cheer him up but he became more stuck and silly.

There are times that we don’t feel to be happy the whole day. There are also times that we are happy in the morning but completely upset in the afternoon. We can’t prevent this from happening. Everything happens in the way we least expected. I got a few tips on how to be happy the whole day.

Here’s what we can do:

Start your day with a smile. How you do that? The first time you open your eyes say some positive thing about yourself. “Thanks God I am still handsome today”! Well it sounds flattering but by continuously saying this in the morning you will be used to it and you will gain more confidence and self-esteem. Starting your day with a smile will make your day productive.
Be grateful. Say good things for everybody around you. Saying “Good Morning”, “Guess you had a good sleep” will not only make other people feel great but will also give you a promising day ahead.
Visualize your day. Before heading for work, think what you want in your day ahead. I am sure you don’t want negative things to complete your day. Imagine yourself in the office concentrating on the urgent assignment you had from your boss. He needs it in the meeting with the investors at eleven thirty. Before ten o’clock you finished it and handed it to your boss. After the meeting he asked you to come in his office. He gave you his winsome smile and congratulated you. Well, it is obvious that because of the report you made he got deals with the investors. Isn’t it the day you want?
End your day with a smile. Before closing your eyes at night, make a recap of your day. Ask yourself with this question, “How’s my day?” Recollect all those events from the time you wake up until the time you wear your pajama. If you can count more bad events don’t be depressed instead forget them, smile and close your eyes.

Well, that’s how simple. I applied these tips and they worked. Cheers!


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